Write better school reports, faster

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Finish your reports in record time with our AI-powered report writing tool.

Easily write unique, personalised reports that parents and students will love.

Your school has subscribed to Real Fast Reports to help you write school reports faster.

Check out the demo video below, then create an account to get started.

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What teachers say


“I have used your website to write my Year 7 and 8 maths reports and it has been brilliant.

It has saved me time wording the reports and also helped make them more personal.”


“Your site has been a game-changer for me.

I've got over 200 students to write reports for and this is saving me so much time.”


“It has totally transformed our experience of report writing!”

Why you'll love it


Write your reports as a series of brief bullet points.

Our innovative AI transforms them into perfect reports, typo-free.


Build up a personal comment bank automatically.

Your bullet points can be reused with one click, speeding up report writing significantly.


Focus your energy on giving meaningful feedback to each student.

Your reports still sound like you wrote them.

Great Value

It's free to try, with no credit card required.

Write a class set of reports for the price of a chocolate bar. The time you'll save is priceless.


End of year Physics report for Josh in Year 10

Teacher input:
  • good progress
  • enjoys the subject
  • has found some topics hard
  • missed numerous homework deadlines - must improve
  • achieved a good result in the end of year exam, but could do much better
  • needs to practise calculations and rearranging equations
Real Fast Reports output:
Josh has made good progress in Physics this year. He has enjoyed the subject and has found some topics harder than others, but has persevered and achieved a good result in the end of year exam. However, he must improve his homework punctuality and practise calculations and rearranging equations if he is to achieve his full potential in the subject.

End of term report for Anna in Year 2

Teacher input:
  • wonderful start to Year 2
  • great progress socially, academically, and in behaviour
  • listens carefully in lessons
  • applies learning well when working independently
  • shows creative thinking when choosing own learning
  • have a great Christmas break
Real Fast Reports output:
Anna has had a wonderful start to Year 2. She has made great progress socially, academically, and in behaviour. She listens carefully in lessons and applies her learning well when working independently. She also shows creative thinking when choosing her own learning. We wish Anna a great Christmas break and we look forward to seeing more of the same progress next term.


Can I try it for free? Yes - after you sign up you can generate ten reports for free. We're sure you'll love it!

Do you offer school subscriptions? Absolutely - head to our schools page for more information, and to learn about our free trials for schools.

How fast is it? Super fast - on average it takes teachers just one or two minutes to write each report. Real Fast Reports can save you hours of precious time.

How much does it cost? Write ten reports free, then pay as you go from as little as £2.50. Check out our pricing page.

Does it work in my country? Real Fast Reports works for any reports written in English. We have happy users from the UK, USA, Australia and more than 25 other countries.